Access API
- The inbound payload change for conversation-based pricing
- Unable to receive an inbound event for a PDF file sent by the user?
- How do I set a webhook/callback URL for my app?
- How do I send a template message using the API?
- Is there an API to check my account's wallet balance?
- How do I block a spam user? Is there an API for blocking users for sending spam messages?
- IDE Bot not visible in "Link your bot" section of Access API App
- Can I switch my app's type from Customer Support tool to Access API and vice versa?
- Why do I get a "Media URL Not Whitelisted" error? How do I whitelist a media URL?
- We noticed v1 to v2 migration notification on your Website? Do we need to make any changes on our code? If so, where can we see the documentation of that?
- Can i send image/video/audio/document with caption?
- Where can I find API documentation?
- How can I send images as an album?
- Can I send location/contact message using Gupshup's API
- Is the order of messages guaranteed?
- How many messages per second can I send using the API?
- I am unable to get audio/video URL on my callback. I just get a random ID in the incoming payload
- Can I send media by byte streams?
- Will I receive message status notification like - message read, sent, delivered, etc.?
- Can I send messages to international numbers?
- Can i format text messages?
- What kind of attachments can I send on WhatsApp?
- How to receive incoming messages?
- Can Gupshup's WhatsApp Business API services be integrated with other CRM's such as Zoho Desk?
- What is an Access API app? How does it differ from the Customer support tool?